Contact details & online booking
Opening hours:
Monday: 11.30 - 19.30
Tuesday: 10.30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 11.30 - 19.30
Thursday: 10.30 - 18:00
Friday : 11.30 - 19.30
How to find FixingPoint?
Runeberginkatu 8 C17, 2:nd floor, next to Hanken, just 3.5 minutes walk from Kampi metro station.
FixingPoint is located in the same premises as Helsinki Kiropraktiikka
Please press the door buzzer "FixingPoint: C17",and we will let you in.
By public transport: trams 1,2,4 and 10, get out from the tram at Hanken stop.
By walking or by car:
Google maps link:
Phone number: +358 41 744 30 83:
Runeberginkatu 8 C17, (second floor,) 00100 Helsinki
Google maps linkki:
+358 41 7443083